For a healthier diet in 2013, try Some Algea #Giveaway

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Udział I was a kid I remember my parents reminding me to eat my vegetables at the dinner table.  They were always the last thing on my plate.  Today, my children do the same exact thing that I did when I was their age.  many nutritionists recommend that we have 5-9 servings of vegetables every single day.  In purchase for me to meet that requirement I would have to check out the produce department at my grocery store every single day, which is next to impossible.

By adding one gram of Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica to your diet each day you will get much more antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins and minerals than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica includes these essential nutrients:

Vitamin A: required for cellular and bone growth, good vision, and a healthy immune system.

Carotenoids: naturally occurring, powerful antioxidants that help safeguard cells from totally free radical damage.  also believed to increase the function of the immune system.

Vitamin B12: An vital vitamin required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis.  helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells.

Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2: vital vitamins known to promote blood clotting and bone health.

Superoxide Dismutase (SOD): An enzyme that acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing totally free radicals, and helping to repair cells.

Zeaxanthin: A carotenoid and powerful antioxidant that fights totally free radical damage with particular benefits for eye and cellular health.

Iron: vital in the formation of red blood cells and transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Iron assists the memory and supports the immune system.

Protein: An essential component of every cell in the body.  It is essential for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.  Spirulina is one of the few plant sources that offers protein and all vital amino acids which are the building blocks of life. 

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Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica comes in a powder or tablet form.  I love the powder because I can add it to smoothies or other prepared foods.  because you only use one teaspoon per serving, my kids can not taste it in their morning smoothies. Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica tablets are ideal for busy people who don’t have time to fix a smoothie in the morning.

These are just a couple of my favorite recipes offered by Nutrex Hawaii.

Spirulina Smoothie

Ingredients: 1/2 c of yogurt                   1 c for fruit juice (apple, orange or pineapple)                    One or much more of the following: papaya, peach, mango                    1/2 c of boysenberries or raspberries                     1 teaspoon of Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica powder

Blend all the ingredients. Cieszyć się!

Spirulina Guacamole

Ingredients: 2 avacados                  Cayenne pepper                  Fresh lime juice to taste                  2 medium tomatoes                  2 cloves of crushed garlic, salt to taste                  1 teaspoon of Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica powder                   2 tablespoons of salsa (optional)                   1 tablespoon finely chopped onion (optional)

Mash avocados.  add all other ingredients and blend well. Spirulina give guacamole a stunning color.

You are also invited to enter Nutrex Hawaii’s  “Aloha to Health” sweepstakes.  They are giving away a year supply of Hawaiian supplements worth $500.  You can enter the Aloha to health sweepstakes here. For much more information about Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica check out

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  *Disclosure: I received a bottle of Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica powder and the book, Spirulina Nature’sSuperfood by Kelly Moorhead and Bob Capelli in exchange for this review.  All opinions are accurate and 100% mine.

One healthy mothers magazine reader can win a jar of Nutrex Hawaii Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica powder.  All you need to do is follow Nutrex Hawaii on Twitter, like Nutrex Hawaii on Facebook and leave us a comment. This contest is open to us residents 18+ and ends on Feb 1, 2013 at 8am PST

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